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I looked over 1-10 and 11-15 a few days ago so today I’ll look at the teams that finished the year ranked 16-20.

The new recruits section is from and from school releases so its possible some of those guys may not end up where they are currently showing. Several teams will probably have some guys coming in from outside the U.S. so we probably won’t know any names until the schools put out a release or we see the name on the roster in August or January. BC=Blue Chip, 5*=5 star, etc.

I’m sure we’ll also see some guys transfer as we do every year. We probably won’t know those until they show up on a new roster in the fall or we see a name with a different school beside it on the ITA All American list of participants in late September. I’ve added a new tab at the top to keep up with transfers throughout the summer.

There’s a possibility that a few guys may choose to leave school early (Rubin/Harris) and go pro but for now we’ll assume if they have eligibility remaining they’ll be back at the same place next year.

The returning depth players will mainly be guys that I think have a chance of playing so I may leave a few names off.

The # in ( ) beside the player’s name is where they played in the lineup at the end of the year.

I’ll take a wild guess at the starting 6 for next season but I won’t really know until the roster is set and I see some results in the fall.

#16 South Florida

  • Returning singles starters: Roberto Cid (1), Sasha Gozun (2), Ignacio Gonzalez-Muniz (4), Justin Roberts (5), Vadym Kalyuzhnyy (6)
  • Returning depth: Everth Dzib
  • Departing singles starters: Oliver Pramming (3)
  • Departing depth: None
  • Returning doubles starters: Roberts (1), Gozun/Kalyuzhnyy (2), Cid/Gonzalez-Muniz (3)
  • Departing doubles starters: Pramming (1)
  • New Recruits: Alberto Barroso Campos (UTR 12.46), Sebastien Butler (UTR 12.59)
    • Potential starting 6 next year: Cid, Cotrone, Gozun, Gonzalez-Muniz, Roberts, Kalyuzhnyy
    Comments: South Florida just finished off its best year in school history and I think they’ll actually be better next year as they welcome in former Florida State #1 Dominic Cotrone (UTR 14.07) who I’d expect to play at #2. USF should be in line to host an Indoor Regional in January and if I were a team picking where to go I wouldn’t want to be in Tampa unless I planned on working on my suntan. 

    #17 Ole Miss
    • Returning singles starters: Stefan Lindmark (2), Gustav Hansson (3), Ricardo Jorge (5), Vinod Gowda (6)
    • Returning depth: Zvonimir Babic, Grey Hamilton, Zach Wilder
    • Departing singles starters: Nik Scholtz (1), William Kallberg (4)
    • Departing depth: None
    • Returning doubles starters: Lindmark (1), Hansson (2), Hamilton/Babic (3)
    • Departing doubles starters: Scholtz (1), Kallberg (2)
    • New Recruits: None at the moment
      • Potential starting 6 next year: Lindmark, Hansson, Jorge, Babic, Gowda, Hamilton
      Comments: Ole Miss hasn’t announced any new recruits yet but with Scholtz and Kallberg departing I’d think Toby Hansson would have more than 1 international player lined up for next year. The Rebels will be solid at 1 and 2 but as of today the rest of the lineup looks iffy. Mazen Osama and Karim Hossam were bigger names that were supposed to come to Oxford over the last 2 years but neither ended up coming so we’ll see what happens this off-season.  

      #18 Virginia Tech
      • Returning singles starters: Amerigo Contini (1), Andreas Bjerrehus (2), 
        Joao Monteiro (3), Edoardo Tessaro (5), Jai Corbett (6)  
      • Returning depth: Aaron Gomez
      • Departing singles starters: Hunter Koontz (4)
      • Departing depth: Florian Nicoud
      • Returning doubles starters: Bjerrehus (1), Monteiro/Tessaro (2), Contini/Corbett (3)
      • Departing doubles starters: Koontz (1)
      • New Recruits: Jason Kros (4* & UTR 12.24)
        • Potential starting 6 next year: Contini, Bjerrehus, Monteiro, Tessaro, Corbett, Gomez. 
        Comments: The Hokies return everyone except Koontz who had a team best 19-2 record. Virginia Tech will be a senior-laden team next year with 5 of its top 6 starting their senior year so I’d imagine that Jim Thompson will have some back-ups on the way – whether they will be in Blacksburg in September is unknown. This should be a fringe top 20 team next year that needs everyone healthy to be in position to host another NCAA regional.

        #19 Texas Tech
        • Returning singles starters: Felipe Soares (1), Hugo Dojas (2), Alex Sendegeya (3), Jolan Cailleau (4), Connor Curry (6)
        • Returning depth: Alex Buzelan, 
        • Departing singles starters: Francisco Zambon (5)
        • Departing depth: None
        • Returning doubles starters: Dojas/Soares (1), Cailleau/Sendegeya (2), Curry (3)
        • Departing doubles starters: Zambon (3)
        • New Recruits: None at the moment
          • Potential starting 6 next year: Soares, Dojas, Sendegeya, Cailleau, Curry, Buzelan
            Comments: Despite having 12 guys on the roster at the start of the year only 7 saw action in dual-match play. After Victor Cornea left the team in late January the same 6 played every dual match from then through the end of the year. Tech brings back everyone except Zambon so Alex Buzelan is likely to move into the 6 spot unless another new recruit comes in. As of this moment I’d say Texas Tech should be no worse than the 3rd best team in the Big 12 with Texas and TCU having to fill big holes after losing 4 starters each. I expect Tech to be back in the top 25 next year though probably in the 20 to 25 range.  

            #20 Stanford 

            • Returning singles starters: Tom Fawcett (1), David Wilczynski (3), David Hsu (4), Nolan Paige (6)
            • Returning depth: Maciek Romanowicz, Yale Goldberg 
            • Departing singles starters: John Morrissey (2), Robert Stineman (5)
            • Departing depth: None
            • Returning doubles starters: Fawcett/Romanowicz (2), Wilczynski/Paige (3)
            • Departing doubles starters: Morrissey/Stineman (1)
            • New Recruits: Sameer Kumar (BC & UTR 13.48), Michael Genender (BC & UTR 13.60), Jack Barber (NR & UTR 12.85)
              • Potential starting 6 next year: Fawcett, Wilczynski, Hsu, Kumar, Genender, Paige/Romanowicz
              Comments: Morrissey and Stineman went 26-11 (30% of team’s wins) in dual match play so the Cardinal will likely need both Kumar and Genender to step in and immediately contribute unless Romanowicz is able to return to his 2014 form. Stanford was a young team last year starting 3 freshman and they’ll still be a young team next year especially if the 2 incoming freshman start.  I think Stanford has a chance of being a top 10 team if Hsu plays the way he did down the stretch and Kumar and Genender can hold their own in the lower half of the lineup. Stanford hasn’t had a problem getting the Blue Chip recruits but up until last year they hadn’t been able to get the expected production out of those Blue Chips. It seems as though Paul Goldstein has energized the team and the fanbase and I expect to see Stanford in the top 2 or 3 of the Pac 12 for years to come.